Compare flights from Eindhoven (EIN) starting from EUR715

* All amounts are in EUR. Taxes, surcharges, and booking fees are included. A payment surcharge may apply. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 48hrs and may no longer be available at time of booking. 

Flights from Eindhoven*

Eindhoven (EIN)to

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Eindhoven (EIN)to

Cape Town (CPT)
02/12/2024 - 09/12/2024

The best fares for flights from Eindhoven EIN*

Eindhoven (EIN)to

Curacao (CUR)
22/01/2025 - 05/02/2025




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Eindhoven (EIN)to

Cape Town (CPT)
20/02/2025 - 20/03/2025




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Wooden shoes in Eindhoven - the Netherlands

Flying from Eindhoven

When you book a flight from Eindhoven with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, part of your journey will be by bus. Simply buy your KLM ticket with Eindhoven as your point of departure and we will provide a bus transfer from Eindhoven Airport (EIN) to Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS) free of charge! What better way is there to connect from Eindhoven to over 150 destinations we offer flights to, directly from our hub Schiphol?

No need to check in for your bus trip, just show the driver your ticket and get comfortable with a cup of coffee or tea, while we take you to the airport in less than 2 hours. The KLM bus departs from the Luchthavenweg (P-place for tour buses) and will arrive at platform C, right in front of Schiphol at Schiphol Plaza, from where you can continue your journey by plane.

Transportation to Eindhoven Airport (EIN)

If you need to travel from the city center to Eindhoven Airport for our bus pick-up, the easiest way is to catch bus number 400 or 401 from Eindhoven Central Station. Buses run every 15 minutes and the journey takes just 20 minutes. Other options include taking a taxi or pre-booking a private transfer.

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